Sunday, March 14, 2010

Two fun snack ideas

First of all, I do NOT claim to be a photographer. (I don’t know why I took the time to mention that. I think it will be fairly obvious)

I let my kids look through one of the fun kid cookbooks I have and told them to pick out what they wanted to make for snack time.
They chose these two snacks and it was a lot of fun letting them help me make them.

Cut a banana in half and put it on a popsicle stick.

Coat with Peanut Butter

Roll in coconut, nuts, or shake sprinkles over the peanut butter

Super yummy and lots of fun for the kids to eat!

Cut crust off of two pieces of white bread

Overlap ends a bit, then roll flat with a rolling pin (the kids love this part)

Spread with Peanut Butter and Jelly

Roll up into a log shape

Cut into little pinwheels



Kathleen Mangum said...

Lena like the pinwheels today. Thanks!

Rebecca Hansen said...

ooh i'm doing the pbj snack tomorrow for lunch! that's awesome!

we got a book from the library called "No More Cookies" and it had a recipe for magic monkey banas... cut the banana in half, put on stick, roll in melted chocolate, sprinkles, then freeze..... Ours came out looking like a clumpy poo log that fell off a stick, it was so gross! Your idea looks much more use friendly! we'll have to try that tomorrow as well!

Lynda said...

We'll have to try them!