Monday, October 4, 2010

Tip For Bike Rides

I am sorry I have been such a slacker on posting the school. I am getting toward the end of my pregnancy and have been nesting like CRAZY. So posting the school has not been on my nesting list of things to do. (Unfortunately)

I have also been SUPER busy with the education of my oldest child. It takes a lot of my time to teach him and the other kids, but it also takes a lot of my free time to plan and prepare for the next day. I am hoping the more we get into a routine, the easier my planning and prep will go.

I do have a helpful hint I wanted to quickly post about since it was on my mind today.

The kids wanted to get out and ride their bikes today so I got them all geared up and ready to go.
Now, I can hardly walk very fast at this point, so you would think that trying keep up with four kids on bikes would be a scary task. Not with some rules that we have set in place that make my life a whole lot easier. (And those outings less stressful)

Rule #1. You MUST stop at all corners.

Rule #2. You must stop the first time I tell you to stop. (Or whatever I tell you to do the first time I ask)

Rule #3. If you do not do rule #1 and #2 you will have to get off of your bike and walk it for a while. (They HATE to have to do that, so this is a great punishment)

If we are on a longer block, I tell them they can only go down 4 mailboxes and have to wait for me there. It works great and it is the ONLY way that I am able to take four kids out on a bike ride while waddling behind. ;)

Hope this tip will help you as well!!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

You are such a great mama! I love your rules - you always have such great ideas. :)