Thursday, March 19, 2020

Homeschool Chart

I know homeschooling can feel very overwhelming. Not just for you, but for your kids. This is new territory and the biggest question I get is- How do I homeschool without being the "bad guy" to my kids?
Here is the answer to that question- Organize!

When your kids know what to expect, they behave soooo much better. When they are accountable for their own free time, it's even better.

I use this chart with my homeschool kids and it is gold. I printed off the list of things they need to have done before they can have free time and laminated it. I gave each kid a dry erase marker and explained the rules to all. (as you can tell, this chart was well loved and used)

Rules- When the chart is all marked off, you are free to do whatever you want. (electronics, friends, etc.) If the chart is not all marked off, you are not free to do whatever you want. YOU choose if you get to be free to play or not. I am not the bad guy if you don't get to play, you get to be the bad guy. :)

This way, when my kids ask me if they can do something, all I have to ask is "is your chart done?" and they know it is up to them whether they can play or not. If they aren't done, I just say "I'm so sorry you chose not to get it done so you could play. Let me help you and let's get it done."
Always offer to be an example of jumping in to get it done. It also shows them you know it's never too late to start now.

Warning- This teaches your kids self motivation which is a GREAT thing, but has a downside. Once my kids picked up on this concept that they are in charge of their own free time, I had kids getting up at 4am to get their chart done. I never in a million years thought I would have to put a rule in place that my kids HAVE to "sleep in" until 6am before they can start their chart. I'm telling you, its life changing when they catch the vison.

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